V. A. Karpichkov
The evolution of the court system of Halicia within the Austrian (Austrous-Hungarian) empire end of the XVIII – beginning of the XX century
M. M. Rudenko
The statutory act as a tool of administrative law support for the organization and activities of the MIA of Ukraine
D. V. Pryimachenko, A. B. Maslova
The public council of charity as a subject of public control over the activities of judges
L. O. Bulko, A. O. Pokrason
Application of the concept of militant democracy in the context of countering the armed aggression of the russian federation
A. O. Kazakevych
The essence of the implementation of procedural rights and legal obligations by the subjects of the administrative process
A. V. Kovyrev
Fraudulent acts: legislative principles and features of the formation of modern judicial practice
M. V. Kornesiuk, M. O. Skliar, K. I. Stepaniuk
Restrictions on the right to education during mobilization under martial law: reflections on draft law № 9672
D. D. Pryimachenko, V. D. Pryimachenko
Development of the institution of administrative services in Ukraine under the influence of globalization and digitalization
A. V. Savinova
Correlation of tax benefits with other categories
R. B. Shyshka, N. P. Khrystynchenko, I. L. Borodin
Academic dishonesty as a legal phenomenon
Ye. M. Kliuieva
Genesis and development of legislation on taxes and fees in Ukraine
O. I. Safonchyk
On the issue of correlation of legal categories of “trademark” and “commercial name” in Ukraine’s intellectual property law
K. V. Manuilova
Attribution of war crimes against the environment to the competence of the international criminal court
О. О. Barabash
Implementation of administrative functions business manager: a competent approach
M. V. Buromenskiy
Interpretation of the convention on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the light of the norms of international humanitarian law
A. V. Omelchenko, O. V. Kuzmenko, V. G. Chorna
Legal status of taxpayers in the field of electronic commerce
O. V. Stovba
Appeal against decisions of the investigating judge: practice of the European Court of Human Rights
O. M. Bernaz-Lukavetska
Civil law regulation of insurance relations
V. K. Matviichuk, I. O. Khar
Subjects of corruption-related criminal offences
V. V. Tylchyk, O. V. Tylchyk
Foreign experience in the use of certain elements of the administrative procedural form in tax legal relations
І. V. Davydova
Mediation or settlement agreement: features of application in resolving disputes
L. V. Didenko
Legal nature of non-professional transportation carried out with the help of transport aggregators
I. L. Borodin, V. V. Halunko, I. O. Hlobenko
Administrative and legal principles, guarantees and administrative responsibility for providing information in the field of television
Ye. V. Serdiuk, O. S. Yara
Tasks of public administration of television in Ukraine under martial law
K. V. Holovko
Approaches to the formation of tax culture
S. D. Husariev
The function of terms in civil law of Ukraine
Yu. M. Pavliutin
Digitalization of the tax administration system: national and foreign experience
O. O. Dmytryk, A. M. Isaev
Virtual assets, digital money, payment systems: some aspects of legal regulation
O. Yu. Drozd
Customs transit regime: adaptation to European customs regulations
S. V. Kholyavka
Agreements on the transfer of innovations: concepts, types, legal regulation
V. V. Rohalska, O. M. Bronevytska
Powers of the investigating judge in criminal proceedings during the conduct of individual investigators conducting individual investigative (search) actions
I. O. Kislitsyna
Current issues of the activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine in conditions of martial law
V. V. Varfolomieiev, T. I. Ponomarova
Theoretical and practical problems of counteracting interference with the activities of parties to criminal proceedings
Ye. S. Nazymko, M. M. Klemparskyi
Public anti-corruption expertise as a form of corruption prevention
N. Yu. Tsybulnyk
Some issues of determining the legal composition of an administrative offense of security legislation
Yu. I. Anistratenko, I. V. Hrytsiuk
On the question regarding the definition of the principles of financial control
T. O. Kolomoiets, Ye. V. Kurinnyi, M. V. Tytarenko
The principle of proportionality as an international standard of administrative jurisdiction
A. H. Solomakha
Conceptual level of research of administrative and legal phenomena