L. P. Amelicheva, L. D. Rudenko
Some problems of formation and development of legal clinical science in the light of human-centrism and legal autopoesis
O. S. Arsentieva, H.V. Tatarenko, H. A. Stepanova
Interaction of civil societies organizations with legal clinics (on the example of the Legal Clinic PRO BONO of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University)
Ewelina Gee–Milan, Julia Kujda, Zuzanna Stefańska
Street law in the 21st century. Assumptions of a Street Law School Clinic pilot project
Sh. B. Davlatov
Interaction of the legal clinic consultant with the client during the initial interview: legal and psychological aspects
K. P. Datsko, E. O. Stets
Protection of the consumers rights of financial services in the legal clinic
H. А. Kaplina, D. О. Lieonova
Business consulting in the activities of a legal clinic: social significance and educational need
Yu. V. Lomzhets
Strengthening the role of legal clinics as a basis for practical training of workers in the context of legal education reform
Yu. I. Matvieieva
Ethical and psychological aspects of interaction of participants of the distance educational process
M. O. Nikulina, Sh. B. Davlatov
Legal education work as a direction of activity of legal clinic
O. O. Orlova, G. M. Stoyatska
Personality’s communicative profile psychological features (on the basis of empirical research of gainers-clinicists)
L. D. Rudenko, O. A. Shvaher, D. V. Murach
The place of legal clinics in ensuring the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services
K. V. Skuibida
Prospects for international cooperation among legal clinics
J. G. A. Hannemann, Dr. M. Psol
Clinical legal education and pro bono work in Germany to help those in need and to establish a better and more sustainable society
V. S. Khoroshkovska
Features of formation and development of Ukrainian law clinical science