A. S. Benitskiy
Administrative and territorial organization of Slavic Serbia
P. M. Kulakovskyi
Feudal law as a component of the state system of Central and Eastern Europe (XVI–XVIII centuries)
O. V. Pasechnyk
Syncretism of the international legal order of metamodernism
Ye. Yu. Polyansky
About definition of the legal doctrine
O. V. Bolgar
Institute of state registration in administrative law: substantive aspects
G. Bukhtiyarova
Administrative and legal characteristics of combining positions in the public service
N. Yu. Kantor
The principles of formulating the goals of administrative law norms
R. V. Myroniuk
Stages of reforming the system of court decision enforcement bodies and public administration bodies and its results
T. P. Minka, S. S. Gerasimchyk
Administrative and legal regulation of the rights of persons with disabilities: current state and ways of improvement
S. S. Nenko
Administrative and legal mechanism of business organization
D. V. Рryimachenko
Separate issues of pre-court and judicial settlement of disputes regarding extraction or forced alienation of property for public needs or for public needs
O. V. Rudchenko
Conceptual aspects of the notarial administration of the succession mass under conditions of military aggression
A. K. Slavytska
Principles of public participation in the formation and implementation of anti-corruption policy
M. M. Potip
Contractual relationships during use computer programs in landscape
H. O. Ulianova, N. P. Baadzhy
Academic integrity as the basis of academic success
T. S. Antonenko
Social conditioning of criminal law protection of economic activity from the influence of organized forms of crime
M. D. Zhdan
Criminology protection of the right of persons with disabilities to work: international experience
M. B. Maika
The right to a fair trial at the stage of cassation review of court decisions: problems and prospects
N. В. Novytskа, A. М. Novytskiy, D. V. Pryimachenko
Peculiarities of enforcement of court decisions during martial law in Ukraine
D. O. Deineko
Understanding ASEAN legal framework of external relations in the context of Ukraine – ASEAN partnership
K. O. Dubova
Forecast views on the list of administrative penalties in national legislation
V. V. Kolomiiets
Personality of an offender violating road safety rules or vehicle operation by drivers
A. V. Khridochkin, D. V. Pryimachenko, P. V. Makushev
Particularities of the implementation of information and analytical support of the administrative law regulation in the field of labor
P. M. Baltadji
Professional training as a component of state border maritime policy
T. O. Antsupova, O. V. Troyanovsky
The Neer formula in the context of determining the minimum standard of fair and equal treatment with foreign investments
H. N. Behruz, K. V. Manuilova
On the question of the legality of states' succession regarding international responsibility
V. K. Kolpakov, D. V. Holoborodko
Principles of pre-trial settlement of administrative disputes
A. S. Vitvitsky
Оrganization and tactical techniques of conducting an investigative review during the investigation of transnational crimes
T. O. Kolomoiets, D. S. Kremova
Administrative and legal protection of water resources in the aspect of the updated view of the system of administrative law of Ukraine
V. V. Zavalniuk
Legal anthropology of state authority
Ya. О. Titskaya
Reglamentation of Scientific Research in Medical Conventions of Council of Europe
O. V. Stepanenko
Phenomenology of domestic violence
Yu. S. Khrustalova
Banking sector as a subject of administrative procedural regulation
І. І. Chugunikov
Forms of participation of several subjects in the commission of a criminal offense: development trends..
M. M. Rudyk
Entities ensuring road traffic safety and operation of road transport
Ye. D. Streltsova
Interaction of international and domestic law: some reflections on the issue of compliance of Ukrainian law with the international legal obligations of Ukraine
M. Yu. Kuznetsova
Current state and development prospects of criminal-legal protection of intellectual property in Ukraine
P. S. Matveev
Features of determining the authenticity of electronic evidence in the economic justice of Ukraine
I. M. Gorbachova
Plea and reconciliation agreements: indulgences or incentives
S. A. Khimchenko
Criminal legal protection of medical confidentiality: compliance with modern requirements
I. V. Hrytsiuk, I. G. Вiriukova
Сriminal-legal characteristics of a person subject to criminal liability (subject of criminal offense)
S. O. Boldizhar, L. B. Vasilchuk, V. I. Pishta
The right to access information about forest status and management
M. V. Korniienko
Certain aspects of the methodology of investigating crimes related to the distribution of pornography
L. V. Zabolotna
Genesis of international legal support of the right to education
S. M. Islankin
Removal from office: international experience of regulation
Rohalska V. V.
National and international standards for conducting certain types of interrogations
S. O. Yarmola
Territorial defense: a model of structuring the institutional components
Yu. S. Nazar, T. I. Bilous-Osin
Discipline in the bodies of the National Police
A. M. Anokhin
National paradigm for ensuring road traffic safety: administrative and legal aspect
D. M. Tychyna
Problems of application of criminal legal measures response to manifestations of domestic violence
T. O. Rekunenko
Administrative and legal provision of security in the field of finance